The due date for the Fall 2024 semester is September 10th.
The due date for the Spring 2025 semester is February 10th.
The due date for the Summer 2025 semester is July 10th.
Law JD Tuition
- Resident: $788.60 per credit hour
- Non Resident: $998.60 per credit hour ($788.60 tuition + $210.00 non resident fee)
- A flat fee of $150.00 for the Law Bar Prep Services Fee will be assessed each semester.
Law LLM Tuition
- Please visit https://cashiers.missouri.edu/cost/graduate-tuition/ to find Graduate rates.
Med 1 & 2
- Resident tuition $1,230.00 per credit hour
- Non resident $2,487.70 per credit hour ($1,230.00 tuition + $1,257.70 non resident fee)
- A flat fee of $1,037.40 for the Med School Laboratory/Resource Fee will be assessed each semester
Med 3 & 4
- Resident $26,178.00 flat rate per semester
- Non resident $51,332.00 flat rate per semester
- The Med School Laboratory/Resource Fee of $1037.40 is included in the above cost
- The flat rate includes the Student Activity, Recreation Facility and Student Health Fee
Occupational Therapy
- Tuition $628.80 per credit hour
Occupational Therapy Distance Program:
- Tuition $788.20 per credit hour
Physical Therapy
- Tuition $628.80 per credit hour
Veterinary Medicine
- Resident: $16,897.40 (16 hours flat rate)
- Non Resident: $39,043.20 (16 hours flat rate)
- The flat rate includes the Student Activity, Recreation Facility and Student Health Fee
- College of Veterinary Medicine Clinical Supplemental Fee: $2,100.00 (per semester for Vet Med 3 and 4)
**Courses taken as a hearer (auditor) are charged at their normal credit value when computing the amount of fees to be paid.
Please check back later for Professional tuition rates for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Fees are subject to change at any time without advance notice.