The Form 1098-T is a statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to certain students. It provides the total dollar amount paid by the student for what is referred to as qualified tuition and related expenses (or “QTRE”) in a single tax year.
To access or reprint your 1098-T Education Tax Credit form and/or set your preference for delivery of the form:
- First, you need to determine if you have elected to receive financial information online – this is called ECONSENT.
- If you have said NO to e-consent, your 1098-T will be delivered by US Mail by January 31 and the following will not apply.
- If you said YES to e-consent, please read on.
Visit the Office of the University Registrar for additional information about eConsent and how to agree or disagree.
Important notice: Effective January 1, 2018, tax law requires all educational institutions to report payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) in Box 1 of the Form 1098-T. Scholarships & Grants awarded during the 2018 calendar year will continue to be shown in Box 5.
For questions about the 1098-T form, please visit this link. You will then need to scroll to the bottom and click on 1098-T Information FAQ.
Students can view and print the 1098-T tax statement in TouchNet by following the easy steps outlined
- Log into myZou using your secure PawPrint and password
- Click on the Financial Account tile
- Click on the Tax Information on the left of the screen
- Click on the Proceed to TouchNet link
- Once in TouchNet, click on “View Statements” in the section labeled “Your Latest 1098-T Tax statement” in the middle of the page
You can also view step by step instructions on how to access it by clicking this link.
The TouchNet Authorized user can view the 1098-T by following the easy steps outlined below:
- The Authorized user will log into the TouchNet system using their email and password
- Once in TouchNet, click on “View Statements” in the section labeled “Your Latest 1098-T Tax statement” in the middle of the page
As of 1/16/2020, Your student will need to edit your authorized user information in TouchNet to give you permission to view the 1098-T before you can view it. Instructions on how the student can make this change can be found by clicking this link.
- The page that opens has information regarding your 1098-T for the past several years. You will be able to view financial details for boxes 1, 4, 5 and 6 for each year displayed. Additionally, you can click the “view 1098‐T” link to open the completed tax form. Please be sure you have pop‐up blockers turned off.
The 1098-T is available for online view/print by January 31st each year. You will receive an email notice once the 1098-T is available for review.
You can sign up to receive your 1098-T electronically only. When you are logged into the page noted above, notice that there are two tabs at the top of the page, click on the “E‐PRINT” tab. This page will give you some information to read regarding the option to receive your 1098-T electronically. After reading the information, you have the opportunity at the bottom of the page to make your selection.
The selection that you have in place as of December 31 will be used in delivery of that year’s 1098-T.
Our office is not permitted to provide tax advice.
Please do not hesitate to call our office with any questions or concerns on this or any other student billing question you might have.
Follow the Steps below to securely upload your W-9S form:
- Log into MyZou using your pawprint and password
- Click on the Secure Document Upload tile
- Select the following:
- Office/Department: Cashiers
- Document Type: W-9
- Any notes or comments you would like to add
- Click “Add Attachment” to attach your form
Requirements for submitting your document:
- Only acceptable file types can be submitted through the secure file upload. These include: .jpg, .png, .pdf, and .doc file types.
- Files cannot exceed 16 MB (megabytes)
- Files cannot have unusual or special characters in the file name (for example: * % @ ! &)
If you are unable to use the secure file upload, the W-9S can be submitted to the Cashiers office by mail: 325 Jesse Hall, Columbia, MO 65211.